Saturday, November 16, 2019

My Cooking System 露營煮食包

This is about my cooking system, all packed inside a green bag:

It's pretty heavy at 873g as you could see, but it's already very much optimized.  Let's see what's inside:

It consists of two titanium stove, one is full sized and the other one was an ultra-small backup inside that little green bag.  There is a simple knife in blue.  Two lighters.  One pan holder which can also hold other hot stuff, like my titanium cup after boiling water, for example.

That orange pattern roll is my wind shield.  That black bag contains a steak titanium knife, a pair of titanium chopsticks, and a long titanium spork.  You can also see an orange silicon tool which is exceptionally useful.  The little plastic bag on the far left holds the tooth picks.  That pink stuff is my electric toothbrush, and the tooth paste was around it.

Finally, a medium sized gray bag holds the oil and seasonings.  I also have a holder for steaming stuff inside.  I also placed some tea bags and dehydrated soup!

And this is my cooking stuff, all titanium.  For 614g, I have a cooking pot, a cup and a bowl inside, finally, a small gas canister is packed inside as well!