Tuesday, May 21, 2019

3F UL Gear Trajectory 55L

I bought the 35L version a few months ago, love it but I soon found it a bit too small if I want to bring more stuff.  The 35L is great for longer hiking and camping trip, but I certainly want more spaces for leisure trips.  I could not even bring a bigger tent with the 35L.

The 55L is an improved version of the 35L, it's not just bigger.  Let's name the differences below.

First of all, it comes with adjustable straps for the upper part, you will certainly miss this for the 35L version.  It's rather important for balancing if you fully load the bag.  So, it's a must to have them for this larger version.

Secondly, the supporting system is improved from a single aluminium strap for the 35L version to a double straps system for the 55L version.

Next, one of the major complains of the 35L version is the mesh bag.  It's big, but it's also messy, there is no separation and it's a big single compartment.  Things tend to mess up inside, and worst yet, the mesh bag will drop open when you open the main compartment, since there's no support other than the main strap which is shared with the main compartment.

For the 55L version, the mesh compartment is separated into three, and the separator also gives some sort of support so that even if the main strap is one, it stay in shape.  Things are now better organized inside!

Finally, there's another change.  I won't call it an improvement, nor it's something bad.  The zipper from the main compartment is gone:

It might reduce the maximum capacity a bit, but still, it's certainly nothing less than 55L.

With this bigger bad, I can now bring a bigger tent with me.  A lighter bag is the most important, since you will need a bag for whatever occasion, if the bag is lighter, your overall setup is going to be lighter.  If your tent is lighter, but if you choose another tent, your overall setup will not benefit from your lighter tent if it is left at home.

Call me crazy to bring another ultralight backpack within a few months, but I guess I won't need any other bag soon.  The only thing which I still want is a compartment for the hydration bladder, but I will try to use one on the mesh pocket later.  I guess it will work.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

露營裝備 L 的心路歷程

無可否認,買野係樂趣之一,但更重要當然係玩喇,除非你係收藏家既唧!因此,本文係以用家角度描述裝備 L 既心路歷程。講咗啲簡單先,比較複雜既留返後邊講。

1. 為咗換牌子:呢個原因相當普遍,但同玩既本質脫節,所以唔多講。

2. 為咗功能:例如無煎 pan 買返一塊,無頭燈買頭燈,無天幕買天幕,呢種最易做決定!想用就要買,無得揀!

3. 為咗提升舒適度:例如買張高啲既枱,又或者舒服啲既櫈,呢種情況就要考慮自己既背重能力!另外又可能係用開口吹氣,身痕想買氣泵咁。






4. 為咗輕量化:呢點好多時候係前一點既相反向度,輕咗既多數都會無咁舒服,當然亦有例外既。若果要行得遠,又或者要幫人帶埋物資,呢樣確係好重要。

輕量化不外乎改用鈦製品,碳纖都係,另外 cuben fibre... 多數都係代表貴咗,若果唔想貴就代表容量會細咗,例如四人營改用三人營,大煲改成細煲之類,大袋變細代,咁樣當然都係會輕咗呢!

輕量化好多時都會有所犠牲,例如減低舒適度 (e.g. 細啲既櫈),降低容量 (e.g. 細啲既杯),所以好多時會係原有裝備再加多一套,在極端情況下用既...

但有種輕量化除咗貴之外,係唔會有所犠牲既,平既例如係 210T 改用 20D,貴既係由普通野改用 cuben fibre, carbon fibre 等... 呢種最簡單,因為錢解決到就唔係問題?!

5. 為咗容量:呢點又係上面既相反,想個營多啲人用,或者天幕多啲人用,就自然會重咗!但有時買個大既營,多啲人一齊用,整體可以係輕咗!
