Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Sega Master System

Great old days...  youtube got them all...  just for my own record:

The very first game, built in the system:

Second game, with a card shape cartridge:

My first cartridge, my all time favorite:

Lord of the Sword, I placed a dictionary along to play:

I doubt if this is the last Cartridge:

Probably the very last Cartridge I bought, Altered Beast, my memory about this game was the very serious lag!

Monday, June 25, 2018

Flextail Gear Max Pump Plus

My friend got the Max Pump and I placed it side by side for comparison.  The Max Pump is slightly smaller, but the Max Pump Plus is actually lighter.


And as you can see, the Plus has a better interface for pumping air out.  This could be very handy.


Other improvement include the switch, as well as the covered USB charging port... it's also more powerful.


Once fully charged, the LED turns green from red.


The charging takes so long that my friend said he never saw it fully charged.  The manual states that it took six to eight hours and it is accurate from my experience.

The Plus comes with three interface adapters, and they are capable to match with all my devices at home.


Pumping air in is very fast!  I didn't count but it could be less than or around one minutes.  It's noisy, and so, make sure you did it before sleeping time.



Finally, this pump holds it charge pretty well... unlike the Helio light from the same vendor.

最後呢個泵仔舊電唔錯,差滿咗唔會好似同系既 Helio營燈咁,充滿電之後幾日就自動無晒電咯