以賽亞書有兩幅很難融合的圖畫, 一幅是受苦的, 而另一幅卻是榮耀的, 但它們都是預言和形容同一位彌賽亞。
最難叫人認出耶穌就是基督的原因, 或許就是這個!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
彼得看見,就對百姓說:「以色列人哪,為什麼把這事當作希奇呢?為什麼定睛看我們,以為我們憑自己的能力和虔誠使這人行走呢?」(徒 3:12)
容易高舉人的敬虔, 希望大家都要學習某些美好的宗教情操, 有時他們甚至製造出「屬靈偉人」這類詞語, 但這合乎聖經嗎?
畢竟人只是器皿, 神總不需要人去完成祂的工作, 甚至連人的敬虔也不是神所需要的! 神當然喜悅人過敬虔的生活, 但我們卻不要把人的敬虔抬得太高
因此, 讓人看見背後那位偉大的神豈不更好?
誇人的軟弱, 總比誇人的剛強與敬虔更有意思!
容易高舉人的敬虔, 希望大家都要學習某些美好的宗教情操, 有時他們甚至製造出「屬靈偉人」這類詞語, 但這合乎聖經嗎?
畢竟人只是器皿, 神總不需要人去完成祂的工作, 甚至連人的敬虔也不是神所需要的! 神當然喜悅人過敬虔的生活, 但我們卻不要把人的敬虔抬得太高
因此, 讓人看見背後那位偉大的神豈不更好?
誇人的軟弱, 總比誇人的剛強與敬虔更有意思!
Friday, October 14, 2011
A good leader?
With the death of Steve Jobs, people praise him highly to be an excellent innovator and leader.
On the text book, we believe that a good organization should not depend too much on a single person, and likewise, a good leader should not make his team so much dependent on him.
A good leader should be one who manage to motivate and enable the whole team, rather than to make everyone follow and even dependent on him.
Having said that, the most objective or even the most appreciated metrics for measuring a successful company is the revenue and the value of the company, and in that case, it seems like Steve Jobs was violating the above principle, but yet he and his company managed to earn.
So what's the problem?
On the text book, we believe that a good organization should not depend too much on a single person, and likewise, a good leader should not make his team so much dependent on him.
A good leader should be one who manage to motivate and enable the whole team, rather than to make everyone follow and even dependent on him.
Having said that, the most objective or even the most appreciated metrics for measuring a successful company is the revenue and the value of the company, and in that case, it seems like Steve Jobs was violating the above principle, but yet he and his company managed to earn.
So what's the problem?
人們常說氣質, 但到底氣質是甚麼呢?
中國人說各花入各眼, 情人眼裡出西施, 或外語說 "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", 無非都是說明美麗其實很難定義, 但另一方面, 對於美麗的東西, 人們大概都有相當共識, 所以許多年前, 我這樣總結:
美麗沒有定義,但卻有共識 :-)
那麼氣質又是甚麼呢? 通常給人形容為有氣質的人都不會太過美麗, 起碼總不是那些所有人都有共識的美麗, 對嗎?
我想, 氣質就是內在生命的湧流...
i.e. the outward flow (or overflow) of inward quality.
中國人說各花入各眼, 情人眼裡出西施, 或外語說 "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", 無非都是說明美麗其實很難定義, 但另一方面, 對於美麗的東西, 人們大概都有相當共識, 所以許多年前, 我這樣總結:
美麗沒有定義,但卻有共識 :-)
那麼氣質又是甚麼呢? 通常給人形容為有氣質的人都不會太過美麗, 起碼總不是那些所有人都有共識的美麗, 對嗎?
我想, 氣質就是內在生命的湧流...
i.e. the outward flow (or overflow) of inward quality.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Ouma Rusks 的故事
工人姐姐搵倒一包過期食物, 竟然響包裝上面見倒一個簡單而美麗的見證....
話說當年大蕭條 (Great Depression), 有一班婦女聽完一個差傳聚會後, 教會每人分派了一丁點錢讓她們按自己的才幹, 把這些錢倍大, 結果她們按自己家族的方法, 製造出一些產品, 神祝福叫這東西大賣, 所賺得的錢就在經濟低迷的時候供應了宣教士的需要!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Pulling commodity from applications
It's interesting to see that for the last five to ten years, people have been pulling computer applications from computer to make standalone products like VCD player, DVD player, mp3 player, etc. All these were very successful.
However, the trend seems to be reversed these days when smart-phones and tablets were getting popular. You will probably not use a standalone mp3 player, and you will probably not use a standalone DVD player, instead, you watch movies and you listen to music via your tablets there days.
While it could be nice if a single machine could do everything for you, however, it could even be better if things just get smaller. For example, even your tablet is powerful enough to play music but then you will still need a headphone/earphone! What if your headphone/earphone could play the music by itself? If it can, your tablet will not be necessary any more.
Content-wise, putting stuff in the cloud for centralized storage and manipulation should be the best.
However, the trend seems to be reversed these days when smart-phones and tablets were getting popular. You will probably not use a standalone mp3 player, and you will probably not use a standalone DVD player, instead, you watch movies and you listen to music via your tablets there days.
While it could be nice if a single machine could do everything for you, however, it could even be better if things just get smaller. For example, even your tablet is powerful enough to play music but then you will still need a headphone/earphone! What if your headphone/earphone could play the music by itself? If it can, your tablet will not be necessary any more.
Content-wise, putting stuff in the cloud for centralized storage and manipulation should be the best.
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