Thursday, January 18, 2018

Camping Head Lamp 露營頭燈

The first one is the cheapest, using 3 AAA battery.  I used re-chargeable ones and they work great.  

Not very bright, but enough for hiking and camping. 

The second one is nearly double in price, using a single 18650 battery.   It is exceptionally bright and the lighting area is huge, that's great when you setup your tent in the dark.  Excellent for hiking and camping, but if you jump around, it might turn itself off and you will have to switch it back on again manually.

It features a motion sensing mode, so that you can swipe your hand in front of it to switch it on or off.

And that's why I brought this one from Nitecore, more than double the price of the second one, and  it's lighter!  It features a red LED in the middle which could be useful for stargazing, but then it's a bit too bright for that purpose.

It has a built-in rechargeable battery and no problem of turning off even when you jumped around.



 Nature Hike 雲尚

Mobi Garden 牧高廸 T3 bundle

3F 三峰金仔營

Tito 鈦途鈦營釘

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

grcpool and wallet update

I did some mining on grcpool, since I had been doing seti@home and similar stuff anyway.

Upon payout from grcpool, I found that my wallet was not updated at all.

And after much research, I am confident about what I did was probably correct and through the process, I understand the whole mechanism more.

Then after around two days of time, I found my wallet was updated. 

Just to keep this note to everyone, and please be reminded that it could take one or two days, or even a bit longer.

Keywords: grcpool, wallet not updated, payout not received, wallet failed to update, grc, grc mining

Friday, January 5, 2018



但去咗幾次露營後,發覺有反光都好重要,唔使掛燈仔,帶少啲野。 所以的起心肝搞,呢度分享一個我諗好多人都識既技巧,就係剪完啲繩頭散開,可以用火機燒一燒:


Monday, January 1, 2018


今次原本預算馬鞍山站打的上燒烤場或甚至係馬鞍山村,奈何我們找不到的士,結果竟然一口氣從港鐵站行上去,還每人帶著 5L 食水,因為我們知道那營地是沒有食水供應的。






1. 今次帶了那個真空壺冷藏了丸和蝦,保冷程度極好,那些冰塊一直健在!

2. 新買的個人保溫袋大概只可以用一晚時間,包類隔天還可以吃,大概因為是冬天吧!

3. 18650 頭燈不能承受輕大震動,否則會因為接觸不良而自己關掉

4. 新天幕杆跟金仔營配合不錯,但外帳拉鏈可能未能拉上,要再了解  -- 已解決,下之上山影張相就明

5. Alcos 小桌子在斜坡上頗難運用,特別難配合酒精爐,有潛在危險 -- 基本上解決了,主要問題係風擋會移動
