Monday, March 29, 2010


無情的颱風, 貪污的警察, 都要拆毀他們的家...

小女孩刻意扮成不懂得熱帶魚, 對比著小男孩隨口的說說...

夫妻的緊握的一雙手, 一隻沒有介指, 另一隻卻仍舊...

深水埔的窮家子, 太平山上的富家女...


努的上進的哥哥, 挑皮的小弟弟...

可惡的醫護, 病床上的伯伯鄰居...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Replacement parts for really old PC

I upgraded my PC owing to the failure of the display card, it's hard to get replacement by then or else I won't shell out the money for upgrade. Recently, I found these in dealextreme, not bad after all:


And even PCI:

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Potatoe chips (wet)

Maybe several hours after openning, they will get soft and the crisp feeling will be gone. There's a very simple trick to fix that.

Put it inside your micro-wave oven, give it 10-20 seconds and yeah.

Simple and fast.