Saturday, October 26, 2019

Weight of various components of my 3F 行雲金仔

The following is the weight of the original package, plus an extra one person footprint to be used in the vestibule.

And the following is the weight of that footprint, so the tent alone is be less than 1kg with everything including the guylines and the pegs.  I have used it so many times and so the above weight actually contains the weight of the dirt.  lol

This is another bigger outer tent to replace the original one.  It is actually much bigger, the added space could even host a small camping table plus a chair, and also some spaces for storage.

Finally, this is the weight of the inner tent of the 3F setup, so if I were to use the above bigger outer tent with this inner tent, it will becomes around 1.2kg... still very nice for a tent with a big enclosed area.  Feels like perfect for solo trip.

I am considering a cuben fibre tarp which is around 150g which means significant saving, that would be an option for absolute portability.  3F inner tent is around 87 inch by 28 inch, and that tarp has an optional bath tub of 84 inch by 24 inch at both ends and 32 inch in the middle, so it would leave some uncovered inner tent.  But then inner tent has around 8-9 inch 20D covered before the mesh, so it should work!  But at over $2500 HKD, the decision is really hard.