This kind of shelf could be a little bit tricky to install.
There are four holes at the back, and they will give your four screws to fix it on the wall via those holes. You will need to keep the screws well aligned and leveled for proper installation. Failing to do this properly could be quite dangerous since the weight would not be distributed evenly among the four anchor screws at the back. However, if properly installed, those screws could be surprisingly strong that they can hold heavy stuff likes books.
Therefore, the key lies in proper alignment of the screws at the back.
First of all, you won't be able make perfect alignment in one shot. However, it's not impossible if you do that progressively. Good measurements and marking are necessary but those were not enough. To begin with your initial measurement and markings, I recommend you to use small nails first. When those small nails are placed, you can try putting the shelf there (while holding them with your hands), to see if it's a good fit. It should be quite good, but from that point, you can do small adjustments when the bigger holes were drilled for the final screws.
This is my first time doing this, and it's about perfect. Of course, if this is your first time too, check carefully if the screws are all installed properly. Check if all the screws are engaged in holding the shelf, re-do the whole thing even if one of them is not supporting the shelf. Last but not least, put only lighter stuff there, in my case, my collection of CDs and they won't add much weight to the whole thing.