Sunday, August 21, 2011

Digitalizing your notes

I've just finished a certain master's degree but that left me a huge stack of printed notes along with the personal notes that I've jot down during the classes.

Therefore, the best way is to scan them all and to keep them in your computer, index them properly so that I might read them again when required.

The scanning process is quite tedious even I've a scanner with auto-feeder. The problem comes when I'm scanning double-sided notes but the feeder jammed in the middle of the process. Anyhow, it's still way better than scanning one by one.

After scanning, I would keep those pages with one side blank and to send the double-page sheets to the recycler...


現代人喜愛健康食物, 因為覺得吃了健康... 此後, 人們就把食物分類, 有健康的, 也有所謂不健康的...

細心想一想, 其實食物本身沒有健康不健康的, 因為健康本來就是形容人, 而不是用來形容食物的!

因此, 只有健康的人, 和不健求的人...

對於健康的人, 一切食物都可以很健康!

但對於不健康的人, 才有所謂不健康的食物... 但對於這類人, 就算是健康食物也不能吃太多! 這樣, 不健康的人才是問題本身, 這個命題就變得更真實了!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011





1. 當讀到約瑟的生平時,我並沒有指出約瑟有甚麼好學習的地方。約瑟固然有可以學效的地方,但他的生命也不是沒有瑕疵的,如果要憑我們的喜好或理性去做選材,那麼我們就是把我們的喜好和理性放於聖經之上,我們總沒有權去這樣做!以神為中心來看,世界實在充滿罪惡,約瑟竟然被自己的哥哥出賣,忠心服事的約瑟也被人陷害,或被人遺忘,但神總不忘記人。約瑟晚年總結自己的一生,他肯定週遭的人或許心存惡意要害他,但神的意念卻是好的,他先去到埃及,就是要救活許多人。神的能力與安排總勝過人的罪惡!

2. 當讀到摩西生平時,我們就看到神的能力。出生時,神竟能把摩西藏在敵人的家中,不但生命得以保存,也有學習埃習知識的機會。年青時,摩西想仗自己的力量去救以色列民,就人來看,那時他確實滿有能力,但神卻不使用人的力量,唯獨等摩西老了才藉他施行拯救,好叫人只能把榮耀歸給神,人根本就都不濟事。





The price of a certain item will not jump dramatically simply because people believe that it should worth a higher price.

It will jump only when people see it from an entirely new angle. Let say a certain company, after acquisition or re-organization, or having a new way of business, its true value should then be re-evaluated, and in that case, a huge price jump would then be expected.

Gold had lost its function as a form of reserve in the last twenty years so its price remained more or less constant. But recently with the economic down turn or better say re-shuffling, the function of USD was now in doubt and gold came out again so that it might regain its old position, by then it's value is being re-evaluated again!

Of course, such a re-evaluation process is hard to predict, and sometimes it will overshoot but then adjustments will follow. I expect the price of gold should keep moving in a generally upward trend for a number of years to come.


誡命是守不了的, 但卻可以活出來

「所以凡有血氣的,沒有一個因行律法能在神面前稱義,因為律法本是叫人知罪。」 (羅 3:20)

因為罪從來並不單是外在的行為, 更是內在生命瑕疵的表現

若以有瑕疵的生命來守律法, 那自然是不可能的; 但倘若有了得釋放的生命, 我們就可以順著聖靈的帶領, 把誡命活出來